Thursday, September 28, 2006

Rabbit Day Yay!!!!!!!

I have spent the better part of the evening tweaking the Blog. Wow five years ago that would have been a really blue comment. Any way I have decided to add a new feature to my blog. So from now on Thursday will be Rabbit Day. Every Thursday I will show a picture of a famous Rabbit or a rabbit that I have worked with. And no magicians and clowns do not pull rabbit out of their hats by there ears. Even a well trained rabbit will bite you if you do that.

This young lad is Ruppert. He was one of the best little bunnies I trained.

1 comment:

Obsidian Kitten said...

ok, i am still babbling b/c i like rabbits

if there aren't any squirrels to look at then rabbits are good, too

hey does that mean today is Rabbit Day again already? YAY!!!!!

oh btw i found you from PRKG, it just hadn't occurred to me to come visit you until tonite. now you're sorry, aren't you?

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