Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday Random Stuff

I have been accepted to the Ohh Bag Me group. I like being alphabetically last. In the knitting blogs it is as if I am letting all the ladies go first.

In addition the Punk Rock Girls are very freindly. They even mentioned that I was male in their introduction. Even though I do not doubt their finding it is very flattering that they would alter their blog for me. I must admit that when Stephieface suggested I join I was suspicous. I am not much for pink. Which I am sure is some sort of male role forced upon me by society. In addition men with beards have a hard time getting though the day wearing pink. Still the knitting and rock and roll more then make up for it.

As I listen to the Drop Kick Murphys I find myself reconsidering the premis of this blog. For six months I have gone out on the web looking for the knitting brotherhood. Simultaniously I have been looking for that brotherhood here in Pittsburgh. I must admit that I have not found the brotherhood that I set out looking for. I have found a couple of guys knitting. I even started teaching a guy how to knit. I started a knitting group in my neighborhood and attend a couple else where. In the process I have met alot of very nice ladies and girls. My wife has even started crocheting again during this process.

It would be nice if knitting was a manly art again. Still, the knitting community is doing well without massive male participation. I have always known the craft was the most important thing. The odd thing is the sort of people that I have met in the past few years. In the circus why we were there was always clear. And why we knit was just as clear. And even though we were all individuals we have more in common with one another then most groups. The greater knitting community that I have been a part of does not have such common threads amoung their members {pardon the pun}.

There are no finantial, social or cultural boundries in the knitting community. There are not many places in the world like that. As an outsider you get to know the restrictions and boudaries that are out there. And the few places where there are not many boudaries are few and far between.

And I have already noted that this might be because there are not many men involved in this community. Never the less it is nice regaurless of the motivation.

Have a good Evening and Keep your stick on the ice.

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