Thursday, October 12, 2006

Rabbit Day - World Tour News - Fun with Terror

The Yarn Man adventure is two posts down. Check it out if you dare.

Well today is Rabbit Day. I simply could not resist. Today it is Bugs Bunny. I have never personally worked with Mr. Bunny but no Rabbit has so influenced slap stick and comedy in general. This is something that I clown can appreciate more than most.

My world tour had another fruitless stop this evening. The group that meets a Te Café has not met for some time according to the person behind the counter. Of course that could not have been the person that I called before I went out there. Well I suppose finding out that a group is not meeting is just as important on my quest to visit as many knitting groups as possible. Although it is more fun to report that there is an active friendly group.

Doing the math I have a fifty percent failure rate on my World Tour. I was so sad that I had to come home and make my favorite comfort food Macaroni and Cheese with Spam. If I don’t find more groups that are meeting my arteries might begin the harden. By the way needing comfort food is a manly thing. Women stool that from us.

Well if anyone thinks they have a group I should visit let me know.

Oh and as a good citizen and at the behest of Yarn Man I have begun posting the Terror Alert level at the bottom of my side bar. It is just above my counter. By the way the Terror Alert Level was brought to you by the letter “A” and the number “5”.

I am still working on Yarn Man’s costume. Any suggestions?

I have no idea why everything is underlines. Blogger is being funny. Be safe out there and keep you ice.

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