Sunday, October 08, 2006

The five things FeministsHave Done for me.

The Natasha made a comment about a list of five things the feminists had done. I am supposing this was a personal list and so I wanted to take a moment to list what feminism has done for me. You may think it is odd for a male to be posting something like this. Well if you have been reading this blog and you have not figured out it is a little off then you are more tolerant than most of the people I know.

Thing #1
Made the women on Star Trek wear pants. Dag nabbit that it one of the reason men watch. The only way I got through Spock being logical was by knowing Uhura could come into the shot at any time. Well I will have to settle for reruns of Dr. Who with Leela. Gloria Steinem eat your heart out.

Thing #2
Ended barefoot in the Kitchen, well there goes the foot fetish thing.

Thing #3
Convinced Madonna and the goblin Dixie Chick that they had something important to say. There are some people that should just do one thing and not try and be thinkers. That is true for women as well as men. I knew a rather unenlightened person that always said “the world needs ditch diggers”. Well the world also needs people to be pretty and sing. And what is with the English accent? I am not blaming anyone for that it just bothers me for some reason.

Thing #4
Bra Burnings, yes it is a typical male response to something that was deeply symbolic of generation of oppression to focus on the underwear getting burned. Well I am male and what can I say. I am not sure how that did anything to get rid of the glass ceiling; still, it was nice while it lasted.

Thing #5
Debbie Stroller – My mentor Herman Braun had issues with Zimmerman the great knitting woman of her time. Well Debbie you are my Zimmerman. It is a male dominated world and I want knitting back. I can see it now a knitting sections at the Super Bowl, yarn for sale at NASCAR events, needles at Pirate games. Not that I mind that much being out numbered ten to one by women at knitting groups. That part does not bother me. Although Debbie did pretty much skip over the male knitter in her book. It is not about rehabbing knitting’s image so that it fit’s into the image of the on the go woman. It is not some kind of social statement. It’s supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Good grief why can’t something be fun?

On a more serious note there are many feminists that have been lost to time. Like Abigail Adams who tried to convince her husband to give women the vote. Or Catherine Booth cofounder of The Salvation Army. She saw suffering and decided to do something about it. Or it could be as simple as someone like Molly Pitcher who saw an immediate need and filled it. In general we worry too much about image these days. Why can’t we do something because it needs done.

Well that was rather long winded to list five things. well be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.


Obsidian Kitten said...

that english accent bugs the hel out of me too.

i think you're onto something there.

however, i never thought perfectly good underwear should've been burned.

Stephieface said...

I always thought the bra burning was a little extreme myself. I mean, a bra is a foundation garment... were you to remove and destroy the foundation of a house, the house would start slowly inching somewhere you don't want it to go. I think of my bra the same way, it keeps things where they are supposed to be. Its not oppression if it keeps things in check and makes sure I don't injure myself when I run.

natasha said...

i really like that! it is true that the world needs ditchdiggers. and that just because you are famous, doesn't mean you have anything important or intelligent to say.

as for the stitchnbitch thing, you should seriously email debbie stoller! there is a stitchnbitch website and i know someone would get back to you. you could be in the next book!

and as for knitting being a women's thing, it used to be something that was taught to everyone to improve dexterity and math skills for kids, my dad was taught to knit when he was a kid in school, although he told me he could never figure out how to turn the corner. wasn't sure what the hell he was talking about. crochet? i asked. no. knitting. two needles. um, ok. the bras from the 60s were pointy and creepy anyway, look at all of the fancy ones that replaced them! victoria secret beats patty duke, i imagine.

Artis-Anne said...

Sorry will a Welsh accent with a hint of Scouse do!!!?
Well I rememeber the burning the bra bit, but gravity dictates otherwise these days

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