Thursday, December 21, 2006

Weird Stuff - Prayer Request

Just sprucing up the old blog a little tonight. It appears that Blogger is never going to let me change over to Beta. Beta is done my tokhes. I have posted twice on that google thing that they say we should look for help on. I never did receive any help.

I have added a couple new links to the daily blogs I visit. I also added a section for blogs that link here. At the moment I know of only one. If your blog links here let me know and I will put up a link. If you would like the stylish Zeeppo link I will email it to you.

I ran into Stephieface while waiting for my bus. She recognized me because of Judy. Wow I performed up and down to continent for years and the only person that ever recognized me was from a scarf. I wonder if that says something disturbing about the way I have lived me life.

I would also like to continue to invite people to the Knit Along at 10:00 in Homestead on the sixth. If your kids knit bring them along. put the little ankle bitters to work. It is about time they started earning their way. I think I should post that on the yahoo group.

On a personal note I would like to ask for prayer for my wife from anyone out there that talks to the Big Kahuna in charge of the Universe. You can email me for details if you would like. It is not an entirely personal matter. Still, it is not something I would feel comfortable posting on an open blog {even if only two people read this thing}. For any clowns that know me from way back it is the same thing as happened to Cleto’s wife in the late eighties. She made it through and so will my wife. Still. prayer is good thing.

Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.


Anonymous said...

It is more than welcome for your extra prayers request

Anonymous said...

Prayers, Love and healing energy to both of you as you deal with your wife's illness now.

Follow me at zeeppo on the twitter gizmo