Just a few random things about this and that. As usual these day Judy continues to grow.
Also I have noticed that I never talk about my adventures with my knitting machine. Well I have a knitting machine that I mostly use to make scarves. I just love the run off a scarf and crochet a boarder around the edge. I am not sure when I picked up doing that. Well, just wanted to mention that I do.
I am working a doing the same thing for baby blankets. If I have enough time before the Knitting Convention I will run of a tandem sweated using the machine.
I just thought of something. I could make like fifty scarves and turn them in to win Carla’s class at the Charity knit thing. That would be so cool. I would take the hardest class and ask a thousand question.
Any way moving along I have joined or am attempting to join several new Web Rings. And to the Machine Knitting Web ring I promise to post more about my projects on the machine. I have just been working on the Judy Scarf so much.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Jesus Does he Use the Internet?
Long time readers of this blog will know that I do not take this whole blogging thing very seriously. As far as I know I am the only blogging knitting clown. Although I am working on changing that. Still, I have some across some grumpiness out there in the Blogosphere {wow using words like that makes me sound like I know what I am doing}. The most recent round of grumpiness was in relation the ring surf rings. I do appear to have my fair share of these posted on the side bar of my blog. Recently I started poking around and discovered that nearly half of them do not list my blog. I also joked that I have been refused entry into the knitting Stephanies because of an unmentioned gender bias.
Firstly the owner of the knitting Stephanies invited me to join there ring. I did and it took them less than 24 hours to get me listed in their ring. In my defense my given name is that male version of Stephanie. And since knitting is woman’s world I am just a male trying to get around in it.
I decided a couple months ago to not let my gender hinder me in knitting. I had been trying to get a gig teaching at a yarn store. I have come to believe that I have been turned down at least a couple times because I am male. I have applied at many stores and only have hard evidence that someone lied to me at one of these stores. I shrugged this off and figured this was a little pay back for men running the word for the last several thousand years. Until recently I complete gave up on the idea figuring it was just a woman’s domain. Well if it silly for a woman to give up on something because it is a man’s world than it is even more silly for me to give up on something when men rule 90 percent of the planet. So that search continues.
Oh and by the way I have been invited to teach a class at the Knitting and Crochet Convention at the Crown Point Plaza in February. I am the one teaching the children’s class. Remember we must brainwash them while they are young.
Anyway back to my original premise. I have come to the conclusion that the ring surf rings that have a really long cue that has not change in two months are no longer being managed. By the way if you are with the Ukitted Nation or a ring surf ring you no longer have time to manage I would be happy to help. I have free time and like doing that sort of thing. If you remember I started my own ring surf ring for Clown Knitters. And since the Judy Scarf I have decided that a Clown Knitter or CK {wow a new abbreviation} is anyone that knits on a clown item and not necessarily someone that wear a lot of make up. So if you have knit on Judy feel free to join the Clown Knitters Ring.
Anyway moving along back to the whole grumpiness on the Rings. Now before I go into this I would like to first state that when I have been talking about grumpiness I cannot be sure the other person is grumpy. In the real world you look at them and you can tell if they have a harsh tone in the voice. The only way you can tell on the web is if you use rude words or a lack of nice words. Sometimes that lack of nice words like please, Thank You and the like simply means the person is very efficient in the speech patterns
I myself have very odd speech patterns that have led to confusion on occasion. Normally I just continue to talk to that person and what ever situation there was gets resolved. That is why I find it necessary to be long winded on this blog. If I explain things in greater detail there is less of a chance of things being misunderstood.
A couple entries ago I noted that I had not been accepted into the Christian Knitters. The leader of this ring recently posted a message on this blog. They say that they emailed me. I apparently did not get that email. I will say that I have been using the free yahoo email until recently. I found that I once and while lost an email. And when I switched to a new DSL provider I go the upgrade for pay yahoo for free. It has been much better since them.
Anyway this was her post:
I emailed you about Christian Knitters but you have not responded... I am the owner...Read the rules about becoming a member of the ring....
Now if I were the sensitive type {Because we know all clowns are sad on the inside. Just ask Smokey Robinson.} I might think this person was being rude to me. Well I will admit to not responding to her email. I don’t think I got it. So even if I did get it I don’t remember it. My forgetting something is also not outside the realm of possibility. The only things I am certain to remember are feeding pets and where I have left children.
So I took her up on her suggestion. I went back and read the rules again just to make sure there was not a no clown rule.
These are the rules:
· You must be a Born-Again Christian. Jesus said "You must be born-again." John 3:7Your blog must state somewhere about your love for Jesus Christ(can be in your profile) If you don't understand Born-Again, please email me
· No objectionable links or buttons on your blog.
· You must be a knitter. Your site doesn't have to be totally devoted to knitting but there must be some evidence that you are a knitter.
· Ring code must be displayed on your front page in the sidebar so the ring won't be broken.
· No stores will be allowed anymore.
· Pray for the other members.
First thing first….
I am not a store.
I am knitter.
The Ring Code is displayed.
There are no objectionable links.
That leaves me with two of the rules that could be considered a bit unclear. First is praying for the other ring members. As part of praying, I pray for suffering people in general and the salvation of the world in general. To the best of my knowledge there is no email prayer list with this ring. If there was I would add it to my prayer times. As a matter of fact I think that is a good idea. Even if I am not allowed to be a Christian Knitter I am going to add prayer requests to my blog. And If I am allowed and she needs someone to help run an email prayer chain I have done it before and am willing to it again.
The last is stating that you are a born again Christian. Well I have talked about my church a great deal in this blog. It is large part of my life. In my church all of our Soldiers {Deacons} of which I am one are born again Christian. Perhaps this is one of those things that did not get explicitly mentioned or if I did mention it came up in one of over two hundred and fifty entries. I have a hard time believing that if you have read this blog enough you do not get that impression. Still I am going to added it explicitly to my profile so there is no longer a question.
Just to finish up I did go through the list on the Christian Knitters. Firstly with few exceptions the ring code is displayed well on most of the blogs. This is the sign of a well maintain ring. Many rings have breaks because the owner does not look through them once and while.
Still, looking through the blogs there are a few that do not appear to mention God, Jesus or any type of Bible Stuff. There are even a few that I would not let a child read and suggest to me that they have objectionable material.
All an all we need to be clear on the internet to avoid misunderstandings.
Thing brings me to some final thoughts. What is the internet’s role in religion. My church has as extensive website that links to many of our programs. We have a Corps finder so you can figure out where the closest Corps is to you when you are on the road. This by the way is the feature I use most on our website, www.salvationarmy.org.
So there are all of the obvious PR uses for the internet and the Church. This could be a tool for evangelism. The thing that would be nice to see more of would be internet prayer rings. In an individual church you have the opportunity to pray with you congregation. On the internet you could pray with hundreds maybe thousands of people.
We be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Firstly the owner of the knitting Stephanies invited me to join there ring. I did and it took them less than 24 hours to get me listed in their ring. In my defense my given name is that male version of Stephanie. And since knitting is woman’s world I am just a male trying to get around in it.
I decided a couple months ago to not let my gender hinder me in knitting. I had been trying to get a gig teaching at a yarn store. I have come to believe that I have been turned down at least a couple times because I am male. I have applied at many stores and only have hard evidence that someone lied to me at one of these stores. I shrugged this off and figured this was a little pay back for men running the word for the last several thousand years. Until recently I complete gave up on the idea figuring it was just a woman’s domain. Well if it silly for a woman to give up on something because it is a man’s world than it is even more silly for me to give up on something when men rule 90 percent of the planet. So that search continues.
Oh and by the way I have been invited to teach a class at the Knitting and Crochet Convention at the Crown Point Plaza in February. I am the one teaching the children’s class. Remember we must brainwash them while they are young.
Anyway back to my original premise. I have come to the conclusion that the ring surf rings that have a really long cue that has not change in two months are no longer being managed. By the way if you are with the Ukitted Nation or a ring surf ring you no longer have time to manage I would be happy to help. I have free time and like doing that sort of thing. If you remember I started my own ring surf ring for Clown Knitters. And since the Judy Scarf I have decided that a Clown Knitter or CK {wow a new abbreviation} is anyone that knits on a clown item and not necessarily someone that wear a lot of make up. So if you have knit on Judy feel free to join the Clown Knitters Ring.
Anyway moving along back to the whole grumpiness on the Rings. Now before I go into this I would like to first state that when I have been talking about grumpiness I cannot be sure the other person is grumpy. In the real world you look at them and you can tell if they have a harsh tone in the voice. The only way you can tell on the web is if you use rude words or a lack of nice words. Sometimes that lack of nice words like please, Thank You and the like simply means the person is very efficient in the speech patterns
I myself have very odd speech patterns that have led to confusion on occasion. Normally I just continue to talk to that person and what ever situation there was gets resolved. That is why I find it necessary to be long winded on this blog. If I explain things in greater detail there is less of a chance of things being misunderstood.
A couple entries ago I noted that I had not been accepted into the Christian Knitters. The leader of this ring recently posted a message on this blog. They say that they emailed me. I apparently did not get that email. I will say that I have been using the free yahoo email until recently. I found that I once and while lost an email. And when I switched to a new DSL provider I go the upgrade for pay yahoo for free. It has been much better since them.
Anyway this was her post:
I emailed you about Christian Knitters but you have not responded... I am the owner...Read the rules about becoming a member of the ring....
Now if I were the sensitive type {Because we know all clowns are sad on the inside. Just ask Smokey Robinson.} I might think this person was being rude to me. Well I will admit to not responding to her email. I don’t think I got it. So even if I did get it I don’t remember it. My forgetting something is also not outside the realm of possibility. The only things I am certain to remember are feeding pets and where I have left children.
So I took her up on her suggestion. I went back and read the rules again just to make sure there was not a no clown rule.
These are the rules:
· You must be a Born-Again Christian. Jesus said "You must be born-again." John 3:7Your blog must state somewhere about your love for Jesus Christ(can be in your profile) If you don't understand Born-Again, please email me
· No objectionable links or buttons on your blog.
· You must be a knitter. Your site doesn't have to be totally devoted to knitting but there must be some evidence that you are a knitter.
· Ring code must be displayed on your front page in the sidebar so the ring won't be broken.
· No stores will be allowed anymore.
· Pray for the other members.
First thing first….
I am not a store.
I am knitter.
The Ring Code is displayed.
There are no objectionable links.
That leaves me with two of the rules that could be considered a bit unclear. First is praying for the other ring members. As part of praying, I pray for suffering people in general and the salvation of the world in general. To the best of my knowledge there is no email prayer list with this ring. If there was I would add it to my prayer times. As a matter of fact I think that is a good idea. Even if I am not allowed to be a Christian Knitter I am going to add prayer requests to my blog. And If I am allowed and she needs someone to help run an email prayer chain I have done it before and am willing to it again.
The last is stating that you are a born again Christian. Well I have talked about my church a great deal in this blog. It is large part of my life. In my church all of our Soldiers {Deacons} of which I am one are born again Christian. Perhaps this is one of those things that did not get explicitly mentioned or if I did mention it came up in one of over two hundred and fifty entries. I have a hard time believing that if you have read this blog enough you do not get that impression. Still I am going to added it explicitly to my profile so there is no longer a question.
Just to finish up I did go through the list on the Christian Knitters. Firstly with few exceptions the ring code is displayed well on most of the blogs. This is the sign of a well maintain ring. Many rings have breaks because the owner does not look through them once and while.
Still, looking through the blogs there are a few that do not appear to mention God, Jesus or any type of Bible Stuff. There are even a few that I would not let a child read and suggest to me that they have objectionable material.
All an all we need to be clear on the internet to avoid misunderstandings.
Thing brings me to some final thoughts. What is the internet’s role in religion. My church has as extensive website that links to many of our programs. We have a Corps finder so you can figure out where the closest Corps is to you when you are on the road. This by the way is the feature I use most on our website, www.salvationarmy.org.
So there are all of the obvious PR uses for the internet and the Church. This could be a tool for evangelism. The thing that would be nice to see more of would be internet prayer rings. In an individual church you have the opportunity to pray with you congregation. On the internet you could pray with hundreds maybe thousands of people.
We be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
A long evening of knitting
The Brigade and I went out to South Hills Village for their knitting groups at the Barnes and Noble. Another section and a half was finished and great fun was had by all. I am very sleepy and going to be.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Can you have too much scarf?
I had another super day of knitting on the Judy Scarf. I am not sure how long she is now but she is long. The Judy is so long that she is stressing out my apparatus bag. I have needed a new apparatus bag for a while
now. I just did not think that a scarf would be the end of my trusty bag. I did buy some denim to make a bag. My sewing machine is acting up so I will have to fix it or do it by hand.
Just another note about this and that. The newest acquisition to my needle collection is a set of square needles. They are square and are made of palm tree from Alabama. I will have more about this when I have knit with them some.
Tomorrow the wife and I will be attending the knitting group out at South Hills Village. We have even invited some of the other Brigade members as well. One of our goals in life is to have a large group of knitter that follow us around. If we get everyone together we should be able to take over a small to middle sized knitting group. And we have enough men in our traveling knitting group that we should be able to turn the conversations away from female things.
Not that I have anything against talking about their various problems raising children {I myself was a child that cause many problems when I was being raised}. It is just that I have no point of reference or advice for breast feeding problems. Especially breast feeding problems that involved the family dog {By the way, thanks Steel City Knitter I can’t be shirtless around my dog anymore. That is another long story but I digress.}. Although we did have an elephant that tried to feed off a strange cow. Well there was nothing strange about the cow. It was simply that the cow did not know the elephant. A cow will let an elephant feed off them if they know the elephant. I do not recommend this as a solution to any problems anyone might be having raising their own children.
Well this is yet another entry that has gone to strange place. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.

Just another note about this and that. The newest acquisition to my needle collection is a set of square needles. They are square and are made of palm tree from Alabama. I will have more about this when I have knit with them some.
Tomorrow the wife and I will be attending the knitting group out at South Hills Village. We have even invited some of the other Brigade members as well. One of our goals in life is to have a large group of knitter that follow us around. If we get everyone together we should be able to take over a small to middle sized knitting group. And we have enough men in our traveling knitting group that we should be able to turn the conversations away from female things.
Not that I have anything against talking about their various problems raising children {I myself was a child that cause many problems when I was being raised}. It is just that I have no point of reference or advice for breast feeding problems. Especially breast feeding problems that involved the family dog {By the way, thanks Steel City Knitter I can’t be shirtless around my dog anymore. That is another long story but I digress.}. Although we did have an elephant that tried to feed off a strange cow. Well there was nothing strange about the cow. It was simply that the cow did not know the elephant. A cow will let an elephant feed off them if they know the elephant. I do not recommend this as a solution to any problems anyone might be having raising their own children.
Well this is yet another entry that has gone to strange place. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Oolong the Rabbit

Oolong the Rabbit. This not so famous rabbit Hails from Japan where his owner has discovered an amazing skill that his rabbit has. No he is not cuter then the average rabbit. Although he is a cute little devil. He can balance stuff on his head.



Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Wednesday Knitting Stuff
Just a couple notes about all kinds of stuff, as usual. First off the Judy Scarf has made it to a new stage. We are now knitting on both ends. If you thought three people knitting on the same item was impressive there can now be six people knitting on the Judy Scarf. Today there were five people knitting on the Judy Scarf. Many people took pictures and a fun time was had by all. I will post pictures when I steal them from other people’s blogs.
This is also a reminder that we will be having a Knit Along for Judy at the Homestead Salvation Army on the Sixth of January. We will be meeting at 10:00 AM and are asking everyone one to bring a side dish or dessert. The more the merrier.
Also I have not heard from the Christian Knitters yet. The waiting game continues. I did hear from the Knitting Stephanies. If you read the very first post or a couple along the way some people have called me by my given name that is Steven. I had seriously considered submitting to the Knitting Stephanies when I first started signing up for Net Rings. Lo and behold I now find out that one of the High Muckie Mucks of the Knitting Stephanies is Stephieface who lives near by. It is a bit disturbing that our paths continue to cross on such a regular basis.
Well it has been another exciting day. I would like to thank everyone that has been praying for my wife. I would also like to thank everybody that has worked on Judy.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
This is also a reminder that we will be having a Knit Along for Judy at the Homestead Salvation Army on the Sixth of January. We will be meeting at 10:00 AM and are asking everyone one to bring a side dish or dessert. The more the merrier.
Also I have not heard from the Christian Knitters yet. The waiting game continues. I did hear from the Knitting Stephanies. If you read the very first post or a couple along the way some people have called me by my given name that is Steven. I had seriously considered submitting to the Knitting Stephanies when I first started signing up for Net Rings. Lo and behold I now find out that one of the High Muckie Mucks of the Knitting Stephanies is Stephieface who lives near by. It is a bit disturbing that our paths continue to cross on such a regular basis.
Well it has been another exciting day. I would like to thank everyone that has been praying for my wife. I would also like to thank everybody that has worked on Judy.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Jesus is Alright With Me
Just a couple of random musing this evening, or should I say this morning.
First I have added a section for terms for this blog. I put in a few terms already and will continue to add more as I go. If anyone had a term that they think I should add just leave a message on this post. There are at least a couple dozen clowning terms that need to be added. Many are unique to my Brigade
The Judy scarf is the only thing I am knitting and it is not even half way done. Still progress continues to be made.
I have noted that some of the net rings I have tried to join have still not put me on their lists. I am very sad about this. Most disappointing among them is the Christian Knitters. Am I doing something wrong? Did they not review my blog. Was it that I did not support Mel Gibson enough?
Alright it was not really a surprise that the Knitting Stephanies turned me down. I am male and have a hard time passing as a Stephanie. Well I don’t know.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
First I have added a section for terms for this blog. I put in a few terms already and will continue to add more as I go. If anyone had a term that they think I should add just leave a message on this post. There are at least a couple dozen clowning terms that need to be added. Many are unique to my Brigade
The Judy scarf is the only thing I am knitting and it is not even half way done. Still progress continues to be made.

Alright it was not really a surprise that the Knitting Stephanies turned me down. I am male and have a hard time passing as a Stephanie. Well I don’t know.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Clown Brigade,
The Judy,
The Salvation Army,
Web Ring
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Viewer Mail Christmas Ediction
Well as I spend Christmas night with Judy I was thinking wouldn’t it be fun to answer some viewer mail. I have some entraining and slightly disturbing questions that I have been saving up.
Question Number One, What is a Corps? This is a military designation for an Army unit composed of two or more divisions. In my case this is what members of The Salvation Army call their Churches. So when I am referring to my Corps and am talking about my church
To make this even more confusing in The Salvation Army 25 to 60 Corps make up a Division. And then multiple Divisions make up a Territory. And then all of the Territories make up the Army. Unless of course, you are in the United States where four Territories make up the national command. And unlike a regular Army there is only one General in The Salvation Army. Well one at time, there has been more than one General.
I am thinking about having a lexicon of terms and abbreviations on the side bar. Just wait until I have juggling stories to tell.
Question Number Two, How much does a Master Clown make? Well this is a personal question. A Master Clown makes more than an Apprentice and less than the Circus Owner.
Question Number Three, Have you even been to Austin, Texas? Yes
Question Number Four, Why don’t you do a podcast like the Ask a Ninja Guy? First things first I had to yahoo the Ask a Ninja thing. After I figured out who the Ask a Ninja guy was I found several thing he has that I don’t. First off I do not have a theme song.. Secondly I do not have people sending me emails asking me for advice. And third and most importantly I have no idea how to record something like that and put it on the web. It is just something that they did not teach us in clown school.
I can see what this person is coming from. He does have a tendency to wonder around when he is talking. I imagine that I occasional stray from the point. Still, there is the whole I don’t know how to do that. And then no one wants to hear advice from a clown. Just for fun I posted a couple of the Ask a Ninja things that are timely. The second is a Christmas post and the first one is his take on my last question.
Question Number Five. What do you think about Net Neutrality? Once again I had to yahoo this one. Basically the big companies want to charge the people that put content on the Internet and people who use the content on the Internet. There are not many places in the world where this sort of thing flies. I would have to say I am against it.
Alright I get it people ask me off the wall questions just like the Ask a Ninja Guy. Still, there is the whole I don’t have someone to write me a theme song or the equipment to do that sort of thing.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Question Number One, What is a Corps? This is a military designation for an Army unit composed of two or more divisions. In my case this is what members of The Salvation Army call their Churches. So when I am referring to my Corps and am talking about my church
To make this even more confusing in The Salvation Army 25 to 60 Corps make up a Division. And then multiple Divisions make up a Territory. And then all of the Territories make up the Army. Unless of course, you are in the United States where four Territories make up the national command. And unlike a regular Army there is only one General in The Salvation Army. Well one at time, there has been more than one General.
I am thinking about having a lexicon of terms and abbreviations on the side bar. Just wait until I have juggling stories to tell.
Question Number Two, How much does a Master Clown make? Well this is a personal question. A Master Clown makes more than an Apprentice and less than the Circus Owner.
Question Number Three, Have you even been to Austin, Texas? Yes
Question Number Four, Why don’t you do a podcast like the Ask a Ninja Guy? First things first I had to yahoo the Ask a Ninja thing. After I figured out who the Ask a Ninja guy was I found several thing he has that I don’t. First off I do not have a theme song.. Secondly I do not have people sending me emails asking me for advice. And third and most importantly I have no idea how to record something like that and put it on the web. It is just something that they did not teach us in clown school.
I can see what this person is coming from. He does have a tendency to wonder around when he is talking. I imagine that I occasional stray from the point. Still, there is the whole I don’t know how to do that. And then no one wants to hear advice from a clown. Just for fun I posted a couple of the Ask a Ninja things that are timely. The second is a Christmas post and the first one is his take on my last question.
Question Number Five. What do you think about Net Neutrality? Once again I had to yahoo this one. Basically the big companies want to charge the people that put content on the Internet and people who use the content on the Internet. There are not many places in the world where this sort of thing flies. I would have to say I am against it.
Alright I get it people ask me off the wall questions just like the Ask a Ninja Guy. Still, there is the whole I don’t have someone to write me a theme song or the equipment to do that sort of thing.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
A Christmas Eve Rant
Yesterday was our last day of standing Kettle. It is sort of sad, especially when the weather was so good for Kettle Standing this year. It does mean that I can now go back to long winded rambling blog entries because I now have the time. It also means that more work will be cone on the Judy Scarf. Most importantly it is Christmas Eve. A time for family and to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made for us.
My fellow Christians have had a great deal to get excited about in the last year. Now I am not going to debate the Biblical relevance or correctness of any of it. All I know if that the world is too complex to be summed up in a sound bite or a paragraph or two of text. Yet everything from patriotism to one’s belief in God must now be a simple yes or no.
As for myself the God thing has always been yes. And as for loving my country that has also always been yes. Still, when one brings up things like hunger, illness, poverty or anything else that makes people miserable the answer is always complex.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to visit many churches. Some large some some small, some affluent some poor. I was once in a poor town on a Sunday. I went to what looked from the outside to be a middle of the road church. It was a big old stone building with stained glass windows that looked like a church. Inside were fine furnishings, an expensive organ and more people on staff than you could shake a stick at.
I was wearing a uniform that was not cheap, but still not very expensive. Everyone else in the place was dressed a great deal better than I was. After the service everyone was very welcoming and friendly. There were questions about the uniform and I explained that it is what they wear in my church. Immediately there were questions about what it was like to work with the poor and homeless. A few said that they could not fathom having those sort of people in church on Sunday.
I never did go back to that church. Oh, everyone was very friendly there. And as long I showed up in a suit and tie there would never have been a problem. As I walked out of the front door of that church I looked across the street. On that cold winter day there were half a dozen men huddled around a burning garbage can trying to keep warm.
A conversation I often have with other Christians is why is church attendance falling. I may not be a biblical scholar, still, I spent a great deal of my life convincing people to show up somewhere. And church is just like the Circus in that regard. As a clown, I would go on radio shows and tell people that they would have a good time if they visited us. If they visited us and did not have good time they would not some back.
As a Christian when I meet someone I tell them to come to our Corps {church} and you will be loved. Will that person come back if they show up and find that they were not loved? I suppose this is a simplistic answer in a complicated world. Still, what is so complicated about it?
What do people think when they see us on television talking about who is going to burn in Hell? Would you hang out with those folks? There is taking a stand for what you believe in and then there is being a jerk.
Well I suppose I have wondered around a bit on this as usual. And I suppose it has very little to do with yarn or knitting. Still, how good can your church be if there are no people in need there on a Sunday? Oh and by the way the answer to those question about hunger and suffering are as follows for a real Christian.
If they are hungry, feed them.
If they are homeless, shelter them.
If they are naked, clothe them.
If they are unloved, love them.
Well I suppose you see where this is going. Maybe, the evils of the world are not such complicated issues. Maybe, our willingness to deal with them is.
On another subject all together different there have been two new countries that visited the old blog, Denmark and Peru. Welcome aboard and join the party.
Well I promise to have something only happy and uplifting for Christmas day. Maybe some actual knitting pictures.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
My fellow Christians have had a great deal to get excited about in the last year. Now I am not going to debate the Biblical relevance or correctness of any of it. All I know if that the world is too complex to be summed up in a sound bite or a paragraph or two of text. Yet everything from patriotism to one’s belief in God must now be a simple yes or no.
As for myself the God thing has always been yes. And as for loving my country that has also always been yes. Still, when one brings up things like hunger, illness, poverty or anything else that makes people miserable the answer is always complex.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to visit many churches. Some large some some small, some affluent some poor. I was once in a poor town on a Sunday. I went to what looked from the outside to be a middle of the road church. It was a big old stone building with stained glass windows that looked like a church. Inside were fine furnishings, an expensive organ and more people on staff than you could shake a stick at.
I was wearing a uniform that was not cheap, but still not very expensive. Everyone else in the place was dressed a great deal better than I was. After the service everyone was very welcoming and friendly. There were questions about the uniform and I explained that it is what they wear in my church. Immediately there were questions about what it was like to work with the poor and homeless. A few said that they could not fathom having those sort of people in church on Sunday.
I never did go back to that church. Oh, everyone was very friendly there. And as long I showed up in a suit and tie there would never have been a problem. As I walked out of the front door of that church I looked across the street. On that cold winter day there were half a dozen men huddled around a burning garbage can trying to keep warm.
A conversation I often have with other Christians is why is church attendance falling. I may not be a biblical scholar, still, I spent a great deal of my life convincing people to show up somewhere. And church is just like the Circus in that regard. As a clown, I would go on radio shows and tell people that they would have a good time if they visited us. If they visited us and did not have good time they would not some back.
As a Christian when I meet someone I tell them to come to our Corps {church} and you will be loved. Will that person come back if they show up and find that they were not loved? I suppose this is a simplistic answer in a complicated world. Still, what is so complicated about it?
What do people think when they see us on television talking about who is going to burn in Hell? Would you hang out with those folks? There is taking a stand for what you believe in and then there is being a jerk.
Well I suppose I have wondered around a bit on this as usual. And I suppose it has very little to do with yarn or knitting. Still, how good can your church be if there are no people in need there on a Sunday? Oh and by the way the answer to those question about hunger and suffering are as follows for a real Christian.
If they are hungry, feed them.
If they are homeless, shelter them.
If they are naked, clothe them.
If they are unloved, love them.
Well I suppose you see where this is going. Maybe, the evils of the world are not such complicated issues. Maybe, our willingness to deal with them is.
On another subject all together different there have been two new countries that visited the old blog, Denmark and Peru. Welcome aboard and join the party.
Well I promise to have something only happy and uplifting for Christmas day. Maybe some actual knitting pictures.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Visitor Notes

We have had a few folks from Kuwait. It is about time that I put up their Flag.

There are also a couple from Hong Kong. This is one of the many places that I would like to visit.

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Weird Stuff - Prayer Request
Just sprucing up the old blog a little tonight. It appears that Blogger is never going to let me change over to Beta. Beta is done my tokhes. I have posted twice on that google thing that they say we should look for help on. I never did receive any help.
I have added a couple new links to the daily blogs I visit. I also added a section for blogs that link here. At the moment I know of only one. If your blog links here let me know and I will put up a link. If you would like the stylish Zeeppo link I will email it to you.
I ran into Stephieface while waiting for my bus. She recognized me because of Judy. Wow I performed up and down to continent for years and the only person that ever recognized me was from a scarf. I wonder if that says something disturbing about the way I have lived me life.
I would also like to continue to invite people to the Knit Along at 10:00 in Homestead on the sixth. If your kids knit bring them along. put the little ankle bitters to work. It is about time they started earning their way. I think I should post that on the yahoo group.
On a personal note I would like to ask for prayer for my wife from anyone out there that talks to the Big Kahuna in charge of the Universe. You can email me for details if you would like. It is not an entirely personal matter. Still, it is not something I would feel comfortable posting on an open blog {even if only two people read this thing}. For any clowns that know me from way back it is the same thing as happened to Cleto’s wife in the late eighties. She made it through and so will my wife. Still. prayer is good thing.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
I have added a couple new links to the daily blogs I visit. I also added a section for blogs that link here. At the moment I know of only one. If your blog links here let me know and I will put up a link. If you would like the stylish Zeeppo link I will email it to you.
I ran into Stephieface while waiting for my bus. She recognized me because of Judy. Wow I performed up and down to continent for years and the only person that ever recognized me was from a scarf. I wonder if that says something disturbing about the way I have lived me life.
I would also like to continue to invite people to the Knit Along at 10:00 in Homestead on the sixth. If your kids knit bring them along. put the little ankle bitters to work. It is about time they started earning their way. I think I should post that on the yahoo group.
On a personal note I would like to ask for prayer for my wife from anyone out there that talks to the Big Kahuna in charge of the Universe. You can email me for details if you would like. It is not an entirely personal matter. Still, it is not something I would feel comfortable posting on an open blog {even if only two people read this thing}. For any clowns that know me from way back it is the same thing as happened to Cleto’s wife in the late eighties. She made it through and so will my wife. Still. prayer is good thing.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Clown Brigade,
The Judy,
The Salvation Army
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Judy the Long Scarf
A great day of knitting was had in Homestead today. Another section of the long scarf was completed. I would like to take a moment to invite anyone who knits to join us on the Sixth of January to knit on the long scarf at my church. Great times will be had by all.
Also another great tradition was completed for the long scarf as well today. A long scarf especially one over one hundred feet long needs a name. CarlaK suggest the name Judy as in Judy Garland. This works on many levels. Number one it {or should I say she} is a rainbow colored scarf {Somewhere over the Rainbow}. Also it is a decoration like Garland.
It is a great name for a great scarf and will hold an important place in the lore and heritage of our fledgling clown troop. Someday, decades from now, an old clown will be telling stories about Judy and how she was dragged all over the city as she was being made. They will tell how half a dozen clowns practiced their first knitting on her. Maybe, an impertinent young clown with sing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” to make fun of the old timer. Then later that day they will head off to a hospital to entertain some sick children. A couple of the young clowns who may not have been alive when Judy was made will pull her out of a trunk to bring a smile to the faces of those children.
Well I did not mean to head off in that tangent. When I put it that way this sound like a very touching enterprise. Perhaps, I am just the one that is touched.
Onto another subject I have had my first couple visitor from Slovakia. Well here is the flag and thank you all for stopping by.
It has been a long day and I am going to bed. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Also another great tradition was completed for the long scarf as well today. A long scarf especially one over one hundred feet long needs a name. CarlaK suggest the name Judy as in Judy Garland. This works on many levels. Number one it {or should I say she} is a rainbow colored scarf {Somewhere over the Rainbow}. Also it is a decoration like Garland.
It is a great name for a great scarf and will hold an important place in the lore and heritage of our fledgling clown troop. Someday, decades from now, an old clown will be telling stories about Judy and how she was dragged all over the city as she was being made. They will tell how half a dozen clowns practiced their first knitting on her. Maybe, an impertinent young clown with sing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” to make fun of the old timer. Then later that day they will head off to a hospital to entertain some sick children. A couple of the young clowns who may not have been alive when Judy was made will pull her out of a trunk to bring a smile to the faces of those children.
Well I did not mean to head off in that tangent. When I put it that way this sound like a very touching enterprise. Perhaps, I am just the one that is touched.

It has been a long day and I am going to bed. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
500 Savage Chickens

I would just say Kudos to Doug Savage on his 500th cartoon. Stop by www.savagechickens.com and buy some of his stuff. He has coffee cups and t shirts and other neat stuff. I don't plug stuff very often, still, this is an example of talent showing up on the internet. If Doug had a day job I hope he make enough off this cartoon so he can quit it amd make more cartoons.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hunting Down Phantom Knitting Groups
I have set about another odd little quest. Up till now I have been going off the list on the Pittsburghknitting.com to find if already known knitting groups are still meeting. I have recently been hearing rumors about a knitting group that is meeting at Te Café in Squirrel Hill. My information suggests that it meets occasionally on Tuesdays. I am working on tracking down details of when this group meets.
To make it more complicated there does not appear to be one but two groups. The people that work at the café do not appear to know what happens there. I suppose if you called the Bee Hive they would be hard pressed to figure out when my group meets as well. Although we do try to make in impression on all of those around us.
So If anyone has any information on these phantom groups. I did attend or attempt to attend the one that was listed on Pittsburghknitting twice. It did not meet, and at the time the staff on those night were not aware that they had a knitting group meeting there. Onto other knitting randomness. With the last week of Kettle upon us our regular Clown Brigade Practice on Wednesday evening ad to be cancelled. It looks as if at least three of us are going to be looking for something to do. We are thinking of harassing the good ladies at the Coffee Tree Roaster in Shady Side.
Well we will see. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice,
To make it more complicated there does not appear to be one but two groups. The people that work at the café do not appear to know what happens there. I suppose if you called the Bee Hive they would be hard pressed to figure out when my group meets as well. Although we do try to make in impression on all of those around us.
So If anyone has any information on these phantom groups. I did attend or attempt to attend the one that was listed on Pittsburghknitting twice. It did not meet, and at the time the staff on those night were not aware that they had a knitting group meeting there. Onto other knitting randomness. With the last week of Kettle upon us our regular Clown Brigade Practice on Wednesday evening ad to be cancelled. It looks as if at least three of us are going to be looking for something to do. We are thinking of harassing the good ladies at the Coffee Tree Roaster in Shady Side.
Well we will see. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice,
More Long Scarf Knitting and the Long Scarf Knit Along
Some serious knitting was done on the long scarf this evening. Jimmy, Bobby and I put at least five feet on the long scarf in one sitting. This is super impressive considering how slow the three of us knit.
Last Friday I visited the good people out at the Barnes and Nobles in South Hills Village. They are still meeting out there and a good time was had by all. I do believe I will go again next Friday. And I recommend that anyone else in the area.
This Wednesday I will be having a free evening to go out to another group. I am not sure where I will go but it will be somewhere. No one is safe. BEWARE
And most importantly the details for the Long Scarf Knit Along on the sixth of Januarys are set. The Start time will be 10:00 AM at The Salvation Army Steel Valley Corps in Homestead, PA. We are asking everyone to bring a side dish or desert for a pot luck that we will be having. If you would like to attend leave a message on this blog or email me at zeeppo_the_great@yahoo.com
By the way the Corps it located just a block from the Homestead High Level Bridge at 104 E. 9th St. 15120 if you are going to Mapquest it. This is a unique knitting experience and knitters of all skill levels are welcome.
More details to follow.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Last Friday I visited the good people out at the Barnes and Nobles in South Hills Village. They are still meeting out there and a good time was had by all. I do believe I will go again next Friday. And I recommend that anyone else in the area.
This Wednesday I will be having a free evening to go out to another group. I am not sure where I will go but it will be somewhere. No one is safe. BEWARE
And most importantly the details for the Long Scarf Knit Along on the sixth of Januarys are set. The Start time will be 10:00 AM at The Salvation Army Steel Valley Corps in Homestead, PA. We are asking everyone to bring a side dish or desert for a pot luck that we will be having. If you would like to attend leave a message on this blog or email me at zeeppo_the_great@yahoo.com
By the way the Corps it located just a block from the Homestead High Level Bridge at 104 E. 9th St. 15120 if you are going to Mapquest it. This is a unique knitting experience and knitters of all skill levels are welcome.
More details to follow.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Sunday Comics - Life is Good
Lance Lawson
Post the solution to this comic and win a coveted link to your blog from my blog. Hey I know it is not much of a contest still, it is something.
Bob the Squirrel

More helpful hints for our troop from the First World. Hey Stars and Strips copy writes all the new stuff. I wonder if this would count as don't ask don't tell
Jerry on the Job


Mr. Coffee Nerves
Back again for another horrific adventure.
Not really a comic. Still, pretty good advise.
Have a good Sunday and spend some time with your families.
Be safe out there and keep your Stick on the Ice.

Bob the Squirrel


Jerry on the Job





Have a good Sunday and spend some time with your families.
Be safe out there and keep your Stick on the Ice.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
The Lance Lawson Sweestakes Winner
The winner of this week’s Lance Lawson Sweepstakes is Dragonsinger and her blog is Trinity Knot. She is from Oklahoma in the United States {not to be confused with the Oklahoma in Nairobi}. As you might imagine there is mythical theme to her blog. She had all kind of Dragon stuff and is heavily into the Harry Potter Knitting.
By the way this is the address to her blog make sure go an visit it after you are done reading my unintelligible ramblings about her blog.
Her blog cover many subjects from animals scratching themselves.
By the way this is the address to her blog make sure go an visit it after you are done reading my unintelligible ramblings about her blog.
Her blog cover many subjects from animals scratching themselves.
To who she is if you take the Star Trek personality test. She tested as Deanna Troi.
So make sure you stop by the bewitching blog.
Hey I would be sorry for the witch crack if it were not for the fact she was wearing a witch's hat. And I would like to appoligies to the Wiccan Community that I am sure reads this blog.
Oh and for those of you that are curious I test as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek personality quiz. Apparently it is my over exaggerated speech and in problems with authority that put me over the top. I was certain that I would be a red shirt of something.
Well be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice. And go visit Trinity Knot.
Even More Flags
More Flags
Friday, December 15, 2006
So busy I want to clone myself
The insanity of the Season continues. I am working on finalizing the plans for the January 6th Knit Together. This should be a fun event. Also schedule permitting I hope to attend the Knit together at Barnes and Noble at South Hills Village this evening.
The Beta Blogger people are not letting me post at all. I suppose I am grateful that their thingamajig did not allow me to switch last week. If it had I would not be able to post at all. Also the Yarn Man blog was on the new Blogger and I cannot find it at all.
The long scarf continues on it’s merry way. If work continues at this rate it should be done in time for the fashion show in January.
Well it is early I hope the check back later.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
The Beta Blogger people are not letting me post at all. I suppose I am grateful that their thingamajig did not allow me to switch last week. If it had I would not be able to post at all. Also the Yarn Man blog was on the new Blogger and I cannot find it at all.
The long scarf continues on it’s merry way. If work continues at this rate it should be done in time for the fashion show in January.
Well it is early I hope the check back later.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Savage Chickens

Wrong on many levels. Still, it is really not that far fetched.
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