Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Off to the Waterfront

I getting ready to head out to the Knitting at the Waterfront. Another fun day of knitting will be had by all. At the moment I am experimenting with a wavy patern. I just wanted to do something with increases and decreases.

Just a note to everyone about The Marley. Ddancer is looking into finding some yarn that has similar atributes to Red Heart Mexicana but in a fingering weight. This would bring the weight down and would allow us to use a gizmo for faster making of the icord.

For those that are far away that would like to work on the Marley you may be able to work on the icord that will go into the knitting of The Marley. With the realization that the first plan for The Marley would weight over one hundred pounds we had to do some rethinking on the design. So it will be a couple weeks for us to get it together but we will.

There is a distrubing trend in the naming of the Long Scarves. It might even be considered a tradition. I just wonder what will happen when people who are yahooing Bob Marley come across this site.

Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.

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