Sunday, March 30, 2008

Good Times

I am back in once peice more or less. As a reletively healthy person I almost never get colds and flu type things. This one was really nasty. I would like to thank who every covered me at work at work and I sorry to who ever's class i missed.

I woulkd also like to list some of the things that I accomplished while sick.

Watched every star wars movie. Watched six submarine movies 2 with Ernest Borgnine {He is a running theme in my illness, long story}. Watched American Gangster. Watched two McHale's Navy Movied on AMC. Then I remebered {Thanks Ddancer}. I watched the first two seasons of McHale's Navy {69 Episodes of EB goodness}. Watched the first Season of Voyage to the bottom of Sea. Some of WKRP and two seasons of Barney Miller. And to finish it off the first two season of Airwolf. That is over 70 hour of Ernest Borgnine goodness. Did I mention I don't sleep much when I am sick.

Just for fun this is my favorite episode of WKRP

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