Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Too Many Choices

I have too many choices and no way adequately describe my dilemma to you. I am afraid this may be a long and involved ramble.

Our Clown Brigade has been doing quite a bit of knitting. We knit items for our church and items for the Brigade. Knitting has become a mild obsession with us. One of the most impressive things that a clown troop knits it their long scarves.

We have settled upon a design for 2008 that would be knit from icord. This design has affectionately been dubed The Marley by Ddancer. Dadancer also wanted to be helpful with picking a yarn. To that end she has assembled a couple boxes of yarn that we have been turning into icord and knitting up swatches. This appeared to be a strait forward task.

The clowns and I picked out what we thought were the best candidates and then knit them up. We have been using an cranking icord machine to do this. It is basically a knitting spool on steroids. It is a nice little machine although it does have a couple of little quirks. To deal with those quirks I have been making a lot of icord to figure out how to deal with those quirks. To that end I have been turning some of the colors were not enthused about into icord. This is where the delimma comes in.

A couple of the colors we did not like have turned into great swatches. And horror of horrors the one I think I like the most is not Red Heart. With The Judy it was simple. We used what was at hand. Now that there are choices it is almost too much to bear. We did take some pictures of the swatches on Monday. When they are emailed to me I will put them up on the Blog.

Well I am sure we will persevere.

I would like to thank Ddancer for her contributions to this process. All kidding aside The Marley will proved to be nearly indestructible. In addition it will be more ridged than The Judy and take more abuse than she can.

We have had so many fires recently that I have had very little time for knitting. Hive Knitting was very good this week. We have a little visitor who was there with her parents and thought what we were doing was fascinating. Granted we were working on Balloon Animals as well. Nothing attracts kids like a table full of balloon animals. She also helped feed yarn to me what I cranked. She even cranked on a couple of the swatches. It did go to show us that even with four ply yarns once you get them going they are not that hard to crank. All and all a lot of experience was gained.

I could go on all evening. I don't think it would be very interesting if I did so I will leave this where it is until I have some pictures.

Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.

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