Saturday, July 14, 2007

Knitting with Fire Fighters

I have spent the last couple days at the Fire Expo here in Pittsburgh. We do recruiting for our Disaster Services there. If you are into fire stuff it is great time. I am not one of those people. Although it is is good to see all the emergency people I have gotten to know with out there being a disaster.

Being that I stood around outside one of our Canteen for two days I got to do a lot of knitting. I finished several Chemo Caps. There were even a couple people there who knew people that needed a cap. On the up side I should have plenty of time to go to knit 1 on Sunday for Charity Knitting.

Most of my spare time has been spent working on the book. It is coming along and I hope to have it finished by Christmas.

We still have our canine house guest as well. Ike has been a good pup and is even getting along with the cat. It almost makes you want to to get another pet. Still, that may be my developing mental illness surrounding chemo caps.

Well there is not a great deal to post so I suppose I should simply sign off. Be safe out there.

1 comment:

metal and knit said...

Well you did show the other sides to the compassion and the motto of heart to God hand to man by knitting whilst on duty. I know being a retired SAES co ordinator myself.

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