Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Arianna Huffington

She is on the Daily Show talking about how people should be blogging. So here I am blogging. She was promoting a book that the staff of her blog wrote. My blog does not have a staff. It would be spelled better or have commas if it did. I suppose I have Oliver. Still, Oliver is part of my computer's staff.

I would blog everyday if I had a staff. Any way she said blogging should be spontaneous and off the cuff. So they wrote a book about with a staff of fifty people.

Well i suppose I should not complain about it. I have stack of book as tall as me that I have not read. The chances I will purchase this book are slim to none. Still, I bloogged about it quickly and off the cuff. There you go.

Oh an put something in my kettle PLease Please Please, Thank you Be safe out there and keep you stick on the ice.

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