Thursday, August 31, 2006

More Magicians

Since I have little to report but another milimeter of growth on the Black bag this is a good opportunity to answer a question about another magician. Namely the Amazing Jonathan. There are a couple of definitions about what make a proffessional magician. One is membership in one of three groups The Magic Castle, Internation Brotherhood of Magicians and Society of American Magicians. His has performed for each of these group and I am almost certain is a member of all of them.

The Second is prestige in the Magic Community. Unlike Mark Wilson, people will probably not be teaching magic classes out of any of the books that he has written. Unless they are talking about blue material. Although his material is more witty than most and does not rely on the F Bomb. A lesson that many people in Show Biz could learn from.

The last standard of a Proffessional magician is the amount of money they have made. And he has made a boat load. Hence he can afford expensive cars and floozies. Although these are proabably simulated floozies in the form of expensive models. And if you can afford to simulate floozies then you know you have really made it.

I have seen him at two magic confferences where he was on the slate with Jeff McBride, Harry Lorayne, Eugene Burger and other past and present greats. By the way for those of you keeping track clowns such as myself rank somewhere bellow your Uncle Sid with the "Got Your Nose Trick". Well Jeff and Harry are two of the best Magic teachers and performers that are out there. Even Harry who does not perform like he once did can kick the daylights out of that goof ball who locked himself in a box recently. At least Houdini stuck the box underwater. Harry to the best of my knowledge never needed Floozies real or simulated. Perhapse that is the difference between a class act and well all the other acts. Still, in this world where a comedy routine and or a magic routine rely heavily on profanity and nudity The Amazing Jonathan is much classier then most of his peers. And like contreversy in most of show bussiness it is a fiction used to hype shows and sell tickets. Except where David Blaine is concerned no one really likes him.

I have also been informed that there is at least one male member of the Punk Rock Knit Girls. Well that is reassuring, perhapse I should give it a shot. I do have lots of blue hair and a couple jars of Manic Panic.

Be safe out there and keep you stick on the ice.


Stephieface said...

Simulated floozies.......hehehehehehehe

natasha said...

what do you think of criss angel? we like him in our house. i know nothing about magic, though.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for an explanation. I did not know it.

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