Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A new Vidcast Eventually

It has been a busy couple of days with Brigade stuff. More script stuff and that sort of thing. We have been working on a vid cast and a blog. It thing we have gotten the blog thing in fairly good shape. The vidcast is the interesting thing. We are going to do a half hour gizmo everyonce and while. Perhapse monthsly who knows.

Anyway the Google uploader is having issues. The claim it will be fixed in a couple days. Still, it is a free service and you get what you pay for. It is not perfect but I think it is good enough for a first attempt. Next time we might even use a tripod when filming it. I wonder if you call it filming when you are using a digital camera. I will let you know when it is up.

Just for yucks I have some pictures of stuff from the meetings. This is Sergeants Chasko and Arasin with their parrots. Apprentice Arasen is making a good Ballon Sergeant. It is amazing how quickly things more along when you have more than one person teaching stuff.

Our balloon Sergeant did get a bit carried away with this flower. I suppose if you really like leaves this is the flower for you.

I am not sure what practice those pictures are from. It must be a recent one. Well just wanted to check in. Be safe out there everyone and keep your stick on the ice.

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