Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday Group and Rolling Tote
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New Layout Sort of
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Practice Practice Practice.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
3 in the Morning
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Train Wreck Edition - Clowns and Jpop
Here they are on a balloon detail in out parking lot. In the Brigade Kisielnicki is ranked third in ballon and Prioleau is ranked 4th. That is fairly impressive considering they have not even been in the Brigade a year yet.
We are working on the second edition of Army Clowns. We have a lot more stuff this time around. It should be a better episode all around. The last of the stuff that is going to be filmed or taped or what every you do with a digital camera will be done this sunday.
Yeah there was no good reason for this. On the Punk Rock Knit Girls group in The Ravelry I mentioned something about the Cotton Candy Helmet and how to make one. Anyway sitting around after the Vacation Bible School Party we were filming some stuff for the next episode of Clown Army. And well this is what we like to call D roll. In television the stuff that rarely makes it on the air is B Roll. Since no one watches this stuff we figure it is C Roll. And this thing because it is so out there it should probably be D Roll.
I have been thinking that I need to learn Japanese. Long time viewer will know my musical tastes are strange to say the least. To be fair they are all over the map.
Oh and before I go on about Japaneese music I found this in the You Tube.
Ah that was wonderful and it is proof there are geekyeer people out there than me. Ah back to the Jpop. Morning Musume has had out some new songs. Here are a few with some random comments from me.
They always have really spiffy unforms and costumes. These silver jobs should be the next Salvation Army Uniform. I have better write the General right away.
They look a bit angry in this one. Maybe they are unhappy about the silly yellow outfits. It I had a nickel every time I was convinced to dance around with yellow feathers in my hair. I suppose they weren’t always yellow.
This one is the newer generation of the Morning Mussume with their pets. I suppose it was bring you dog to work day or something. You see if I spoke Japanese I would understand the dog thing.
And here they are with castanets. I can’t play the castanets. I am not even sure I can spell it. I can spell cowbell and bag pipe. To bad there is not Chris Walken Joke to be make here.
I haven’t the slightest clue what is happening here. This is definitely one of the songs where I need to find the version with subtitles. It is a catchy tune. Still, they have a star ship and creepy microphones. And try and find the space borne Buddha. And they stole a Miranda Class star ship from Star Trek. Wow that makes me the biggest nerd ever.
If Marki Mark can act then Morning Musume can rap. It is a bit scarry. This fighting style is also being taught to all Japanese girls living near foreign military installations. Sorry too soon, it have been a few years.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Vacation Bible School
I am serious about that.
Tell the kids you saw it. They need to know I will follow through with my threats.
Be safe out there and and keep your stick on the ice.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Make Up
Not everyone can juggle and ride a unicycle though. So we start on the clown skills before we get into the face. Also when a clown does decide the area of skill they want to concentrate on this sometimes effects their face. You can tell everyone is truly excited by this lesson.
We do have a show coming up this week end. We will be doing some light entertainment at mostly balloons maybe some juggling. I am sure we will get some pictures of it. It is looking like it will be Sergent K and Apprentice Prealue's first show. So this could be really exciting.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Monday, June 16, 2008
World Wide Knit In Public Day
I was working on another clown hat. All of the knitting action was taken on the video camera. It will be in out new episode of Clown Army.
Well I just wanted to use this car washing picture. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Car Wash Today
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hats, Clown Hats
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Monday, June 09, 2008
We Got a Sign
The Battle for Wolf 359
Someone pointed out to be that there was a big space battle in one of the Star Trek series in the Wolf 359 system. I figured I was safe using a real place. Be sides Earth I don't remember them ever using a real place. So I set the thing out in space somewhere. It takes some of the fun out of it but what can you do?
I am still working on clown hats. I should have another one finished at the Monday knitting group. If I remember I will take some pictures. AI should post them on the Punk Rock knitter's group as well. they are into wicked head gear.
Well just wanted to check in as I defend the Universe from the polytheistic hordes that wish to enslave Humanity.
Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
How Not to Move a Mountain
The last major thing that had to be put together for the shows is a mountain. It is not going to be that large. And it is going to be made from blue foam insulations. So Walt and I stopped by the Lowes in Homestead to get a peice. We did not think it would survive the trip to the Sorps strapped to the roof of his car.
We did eventually get the peices there. We did not get much work done on it. Well we had some funny pictures so I wanted to post them. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Met a man named G Dub
We then asked if I would make him a character in the book. I have never had anyone ask that before. The guy said his name is G Dub. Being a black man we said that he did not want his Character killed off in the book. I suppose I can see that.
If it makes him feel any better one of the main Characters in the book is a black man. He is in at least seven of the books.
IN the book there are several pirate ships. They have larger rolls in the subsequent books. Still they need commanders. I don't think any of the Pirate Captains buy it in the books.
Well anyway. just wanted to replay this unique story to both of my readers. Bellow are some pictures of Cadet Thurman and Wilson juggling. They are moving along rather well.
BE safe out there everyone and keep you stick on the ice.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
A new Vidcast Eventually
Anyway the Google uploader is having issues. The claim it will be fixed in a couple days. Still, it is a free service and you get what you pay for. It is not perfect but I think it is good enough for a first attempt. Next time we might even use a tripod when filming it. I wonder if you call it filming when you are using a digital camera. I will let you know when it is up.
I am not sure what practice those pictures are from. It must be a recent one. Well just wanted to check in. Be safe out there everyone and keep your stick on the ice.