Monday, July 17, 2006

A New Black Bag

I have begun making a new black knitting bag to replace the one that was struck down in it's infancy. I will be making it of a black wool and felting it.

It has been the longest time since I have felted something. This may even be the thing I enter into the Knit 1 contest. We will see how it goes. The bag will have a few removeable pockets for my Bryspun needles and the like. I will be putting a pocket in for my Bussiness Band radio from work as well.

The draw back of the felted bag is that I will probably not be doing any duplicate stitching on it. I may still I wonder how the alpaca wool blend I had for the murdered bag will felt. I should probably ask someone from the wednesdays group. An suggestions for my throngs of fan out there reading this are welcome as well.

I spent the better part of the weekend trying to takwe pictures of my wife dog. Apparently Sally is terrified of cameras. I have several pictures of here running. Zoltan on the other hand is a young media mogul. We had another name for it atthe time but he is male. After taking pictures for two days I found out that I cannot operate a camera. I am still looking for a couple that are usable but will have to try it again.

On the up side Carol is a heavy sleeper and does not mind having odd hats put on here when she does not know about it. When I have a good picture of that I will let you know.

I always be careful out there and keep you stick on the ice.


Stephieface said...

For your alpaca wool blend you could always do a teensy swatch, like knit with both yarns on a small swatch to see if they felt the same. This of course is really good advice, and I know this because I never swatch amd always have issues.
What DID happen to the black bag? I know it was murdered, but was it a thug smothering it as it slept all political assassin-ish, or a thug jumping from a dark alley for a stabby mugging type of thing?

Chris said...


I have done three pair of felted clogs using Berroco Ultra Alpaca, 50/50 alpaca/wool. It felts up like a dream. Minimal amount of fuzziness and a firm but pleasurable fabric. Good luck with your bag and I'm not speaking of your wife! (kidding)

Z said...

The bag was disposed of by someone that did not like me knitting during church. And my wife was not murdered I just have poor sentance structure.

velmalikevelvet said...

i absolutely love the image of you putting little hats on your wife while she sleeps in order to create lovely kodak moments! how does she feel about it when she wakes up and sees the pictures?

Velma's World

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