Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Viewer Mail

Today I wanted to get back to a popular segment around the Knitting Blog Viewer Mail. The old mail coming in has been a bit slower than usual so it took a while to get a few questions.

1} How come we don’t see pictures of your pets? My pets are in the witness protection program. I have web camera that I do not work well. And I am not going to tie them down to take a picture of them. Then every one would send emails to animal friends to have them come and take my animals.

2} Why do you have a Clown Brigade instead of a Troupe? Have you ever noticed people do not ask me knitting question on my knitting blog. Anyway, it is a long standing tradition that small groups of soldiers, officers and cadets in The Salvation Army are named Brigades. In our Training College {Seminary} the cadets are broken up into Brigades for field training. Our Brigade is a special purpose group within the Army. Also keep in mind The Salvation Army’s system is based on the British Army of 150 years ago and not the modern American Military.

3} Is that your real hair? Yes

4} Do you enjoy clowning? No I do it because it makes me sick. Of course I enjoy clowning. It give me an opportunity to be sarcastic without hurting people’s feelings.

5} Do you dress up your dog as a clown? By the way most of these clown questions came from one email. I sent them the number of a good therapist I know in their area. And no I do not dress up my dog as a clown. Firstly she is my wife’s dog. And secondly makeup and fur do not mix.

There were a couple more question with the email that I will not answer because this is a family blog. Not that I think any children are reading this. Still, I would not want to harm them is they were.

6} Have you ever knit a normal sized scarf? Finally a knitting question. First off it is very rude to suggest that The Judy, The Barry or The Marley are not normal. They are normal for long scarves. Actually The Judy and The Marley are not normal for long scarves they are the only two long scarves that I know that are made like they are. That does not make them freaks it makes them special. A lot more special than any other scarf out there. And yes I have knit length challenged scarves.

7} Do you prefer toe up or cuff down socks? Well I was taught that the only proper way top make sock was toe up. It goes back to making clown socks. They were usually stripped and just bellow the knee. We striped them the old fashioned way. So it was easy to knit two of them at once and make sure the striping matched because you could try them on as you went.

I actually go some knitting question. I am as shocked as you are. Well be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I am wondering how you managed to tweak the Embellish Knit machine gadget to be able to successfully crank out icord with worsted weight yarn?

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