Friday, December 01, 2006

Viewer Mail Again

It is time to open the electronic mail bag again.

Someone asked if the Baby ever peaked out. The answer is yes. He is the cutest little thing. He reminds me of Don Knots in the cutest possible way. Actually all babies remind me of Don Knots on some level. Perhaps that is some sort of mental illness.

When is the next Yarn Man? Ah that will be tonight.

Do you teach classes? Apparently someone that has not read the blog very carefully. I have been looking for a place to teach classes. I have yet to find someone that will pay me to do it. Well I am willing to teach anyone that shows up to the Monday Hive Knitting on the South Side. Oh I have been invited to teach a children’s knitting class at the Knitting Festival.

Are you really a Clown? Yes, if I were going to pretend to be something that I am not I would make up I would pretend to be the illegitimate son of Elizabeth Zimmermann and John Astin.

What is your favorite Color? Purple

What is your favorite fiber? Acrylic especially Red Heart. It gives me fond memories of my time in the orphanage where my parents would leave me at on the week ends

Have I ever been to France? No

Do you have electricity? Yes.

Well as always post your question and I will answer them.

Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.

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