Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Judy the Long Scarf

A great day of knitting was had in Homestead today. Another section of the long scarf was completed. I would like to take a moment to invite anyone who knits to join us on the Sixth of January to knit on the long scarf at my church. Great times will be had by all.

Also another great tradition was completed for the long scarf as well today. A long scarf especially one over one hundred feet long needs a name. CarlaK suggest the name Judy as in Judy Garland. This works on many levels. Number one it {or should I say she} is a rainbow colored scarf {Somewhere over the Rainbow}. Also it is a decoration like Garland.

It is a great name for a great scarf and will hold an important place in the lore and heritage of our fledgling clown troop. Someday, decades from now, an old clown will be telling stories about Judy and how she was dragged all over the city as she was being made. They will tell how half a dozen clowns practiced their first knitting on her. Maybe, an impertinent young clown with sing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” to make fun of the old timer. Then later that day they will head off to a hospital to entertain some sick children. A couple of the young clowns who may not have been alive when Judy was made will pull her out of a trunk to bring a smile to the faces of those children.

Well I did not mean to head off in that tangent. When I put it that way this sound like a very touching enterprise. Perhaps, I am just the one that is touched.

Onto another subject I have had my first couple visitor from Slovakia. Well here is the flag and thank you all for stopping by.

It has been a long day and I am going to bed. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could come join your scarf knit in but distance is the problem Ill be there in my own way though.

I love your mobile canteens in america but as my legs are getting me less mobile its sitting for me the rest of the time.I can stil cut onions very well.

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