Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Punk Rock quetionaire Again

My questionaire rolled off my page so I am posting is again

1) How long have you been spinning/Knitting/Crocheting? 18 years

2) Do you consider yourself a beginner, novice, or experienced Yarn Artist? experinced

3) What type of fibers have you worked with? Acrylic, mohair, wool, llama, wire, all kinds of stuff

4) What types are you dying to try? I've already worked with most stuff

5) Are you allergic to anything, (Fibers, Food, Smells that make you want to puke, etc.)? Just bees

6) Do you have any Disorders, ex: Diabetes? Arthritis

7) What is your Favorite Time/Style period, ex: Romatic, Grecian,Metal, Goth,etc? Colonial America, 1940's

8) What fibers do you dislike? Do not really have a dislike.

9) Name some of your favorite Artist, Movie wise, Television if you watch it ex: I heart Keanu, some things cant be helped, and Rachel loves Mike Ness !? Judy Dench, Liam Neeson, Helen Hunt, Harrison Ford,

10) Whos your favorite Character ex: Jack or Cpt Jack? Horatio Hornblower

11) Do you prefer natural colored fibers, or handpainted/dyed fiber? I like artifical fibers.

12) What are you favorite colors? reds, blues, pruple

13) What colors do you dislike? Flurecent

14) What projects are you currently working on? Knitting bag, Pink scarf, todler sweater, kilt socks

15) Do you have a wishlist?

16) Do you have any other favorite hobbies? Carpentry, juggling, canoeing17) Whens your birthday?(mm/dd) Thanks Rach' june 19

18) What is your favorite food, candy, scents that you love!! Etc.? Fetuccini Alfredo, Stash licorish spice tea, rock candy, root beer logs,

19) Are you pierced at all? Any tattoos? Can you/would you wear jewelry that real? I only wear my wedding rings. Don't wear jewelry because of my proffession. Working on my first tatoo that would give away my identity.

20) What do you like Culturally, ex: Celtic, African, Devil Worshiping, Kidding!? Scotland,

21) What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? hand made wrap, rolling tote for classes, boxes, fishing tacle boxes, on the computer table. In the rafters in my basement and a couple other places

22) What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) My computer can play MP3 and I like rock, bag pipes, old school rap, clasical, techno. all kinds of stuff

23) What's your favorite season and why? winter I like snow

24) What season do you abhor? Summer I don't like heat and there is no snow

25) How about Sports, any that you just cant get enough of or do they make you throw up in your mouth just a little? I played soccer, cricket, baseball I don't like watching sports.

26) What is your family situation Do you live alone? I live with my significant othrer and various animals

27) Do you have any pets? Yes

28) Do you like handmade gifts? not really

29) What̢۪s your favorite thing to make, knit/crochet or other craft wise? hats, scarves, vests

30) Do you prefer straight or circular needles? strait

31) Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? yes

32) Tell us how you learned to knit/crochet? I learned as part of my training for my job

33) Do you enjoy getting helpful hints from others or does it just piss you off? I like advice

34) How old is your oldest UFO? 14 years old

35) Is there anything that you collect? books, balls, tools

36) Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? Squirrel & Yarn Red Heart Mexicana

37) What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have if any? Knit 1, Rebbecca, Vogue Knitting

38) Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? i just need to practice what i know

39) Do you enjoy knitting socks? How big are yer boats (feet)? My boats are really big.Yes I like knitting socks

40) Deleted

1 comment:

LaurieG said...

Hey! I like Judy Dench too! I think As Time Goes By is one of the funniest shows ever aired on TV. Also, Sara plays the bagpipes. Glad you could make it on Friday!

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